What Do CPAs Recommend?

Payroll services for small business has become big business. Payroll service providers have come out of the woodwork and give business owners a slew of providers and software to choose from. As with most things in life and business, not all payroll service providers are created equal. Business owners and controllers need to be cautious and diligent in the decision to outsource their payroll responsibilities.
The IRS states "Outsourcing payroll duties can be a sound business practice, but employers who outsource some or all of their payroll responsibilities should know the employer is ultimately responsible for the deposit and payment of federal tax liabilities." The employer, not the service provider, is the responsible party for all taxes, penalties and interest. The IRS aggressively goes after payroll related taxes, more so than any other type of tax. Diligence in selecting your payroll service provider is extremely important.
A great place to start your due diligence in selecting a payroll provider is with your Certified Public Accountant. Your CPA works with many business entities and probably knows many payroll providers personally. Your CPA can make solid recommendations to you based on experience and personal knowledge. In fact, your CPA may offer payroll as a service. This has become a trend with CPAs because of the great influx of fly by night payroll service providers that have sprung up across the nation. CPAs are spending more and more time correcting payroll errors made by these payroll services and their clients are paying small fortunes in fees, penalties and interest as a result of mistakes made by the payroll providers.
Partnering with the right payroll provider will give you peace of mind by assuring your compliance with the taxing authorities and will save you both time and money. Business Payroll Solutions is an example of the type of payroll partner CPAs recommend. Over ninety percent of their clients are direct referrals of CPAs. Business Payroll Solutions was developed by a team of Certified Public Accountants and this is one key aspect you want to look for in your search for the right payroll partner for your business. Other key indicators of a CPA involved payroll service provider include:
  • You are given a personal dedicated payroll specialist who you will communicate with each pay period. Your payroll specialist will get to know you and your business resulting in superior personal service. Your specialist will be able to recognize problems in your payroll file before they happen.
  • You are given access to a Certified Public Accountant. The on staff CPAs provide you with an invaluable resource.
  • You are not the only party with "skin in the game". The IRS holds the business owner responsible and the IRS also hold CPAs responsible. CPAs are registered with the IRS and are held to a higher standard by the IRS. The only others held accountable by the IRS to this degree are attorneys and enrolled agents.
  • Your payroll taxes are not impounded! A CPA knows the value of your money and the importance of cash flow. (Did you know that the national payroll providers make more money from impounding your payroll taxes than from providing payroll services?)
  • You will stay off the IRS radar.
Do your research before you make the important decision of hiring a payroll service. Payroll compliance is serious business and getting it wrong can put you out of business. Be diligent, ask your CPA to personally recommend and introduce you to a payroll service provider.

The Perfect Tool For All Businesses

Business Accounting Software is utilized by businesses to record a business accounting process. The software is an application which usually records accounts receivable, accounts payable, trail balance and payroll and other applications. Depending on the companies requirements and how large the company staff complement is, the application software can either be developed 'in-house' and especially designed for the companies needs and requirements, or it may be purchased as a complete package form a third party, one other aspect that could be considered is combination of application software and a third party package, this could also be installed with local modifications.
Understanding the various applications of business accounting software:
  • Accounts payable - a company enters its bills and the pays the money it owes.
  • Accounts receivable - When a company receives money it is entered into a database.
  • General Ledger - A general ledger is the company's books, in a software application this is also the case.
  • Billing - the creation of invoices to be sent to customers and clients.
  • Stock / Inventory - and inventory of stock is kept on the database and updated on regular basis.
  • Purchase Order - a record of orders is kept of what has been placed for stock.
  • Sales Order - customers orders are recorded and supply compared against inventory
  • Cash Book - the company is able to record collections of money and payment
  • Debt collection - this is where the company will track and keep a record of all attempts to collect bills that are overdue. In some packages this falls under accounts receivable.
  • Electronic payment - this is the processing of payment via electronic media such as internet banking.
  • Expenses - employee businesses related expenses will be recorded.
  • Inquiries - checking of information on a screen without any editing or additions.
  • Payroll - Salaries, wages and taxes are recorded and tracked.
  • Time Sheets - professional businessmen will record their time worked so they can bill clients this is often used by consultants and attorneys. Companies can also record employees' time on timesheets to work out wages.
  • Purchase requisition - requests for purchases are made and then approved once approved they are then tracked to delivery.
Not all business accounting software packages will have all of the above applications but you will find many of them have the most important ones relevant to a company's business needs.
The installation and configuration of these packages for a client depends on the needs of the particular company or business. Many middle market or larger organizations have applications that are sold exclusively through a reseller, developer or consultants. These organizations usually ask for a license fee plus charge the client for installation, maintenance of the systems and upkeep.
Some of the important types of accounting software covers the following industries:
  • Banking institutions
  • Construction companies
  • Daycare organizations using child care management software
  • Medical institutions
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Point of sale - the retail market
Companies make use of business accounting software because it offers greater accuracy and reportage of the company's business expenses, the income and outgoing of stock, and money. Many of these software packages offer better account reporting than done manually, as well as excellent tracking of expenses.

Take Charge of Your Finances Once and for All!

Are you a bookkeeper tired of working on paper or spreadsheets? Too many full shoeboxes shoved under the bed?! Are you looking for a solution to doing your clients' work on a computerised basis? Then this article is for you. Software for bookkeeping is available from more and more suppliers these days. One thing to bear in mind is the sort of Operating System you use. If you are on a Mac or you use a Windows computer such as Windows 7, or if you use Linux then you will need to think carefully when you come to choose your software for bookkeeping. Some programs are even multi-platform - you can run them on Windows, Mac and/or Linux platforms using the same program.
Once you have found a program that will run on your Operating System then you will probably need to consider your budget. As a bookkeeper this will very likely be second nature to you! There are several options out there for bookkeepers today. Some are relatively economical - and others come with a higher price tag. Remember to look for applications with low cost or free support if you like plenty of hands-on help. Another thing to consider is does this software for bookkeeping need any pre-printed stationery? Some programs require this and if you are concerned about keeping your costs as a bookkeeper to a minimum then you would do well to check this out before you purchase or at least sit down and calculate the real costs of this before you commit yourself.
Finally when you are considering software for bookkeeping you might do well to look into ongoing costs. Some systems out there offer a one-off payment and you own the product outright. That's right - you avoid those hidden ongoing costs. Others offer a monthly payment plan. Make sure you know what you are letting yourself in for if you decide to take on this kind of contract. One further consideration in this instance is - if you do not pay for some reason one month will you still be able to access your data?
Software for bookkeeping comes in various shapes and sizes these days and there are some really useful, time and money saving options in the market-place at the moment. One thing is certain - if you get your choice of software for bookkeeping right you could find that your work load is much easier to manage which could then enable you to take on more customers, or to deal with your current work load more efficiently and therefore comfortably.

Control Is the Name of the Game Using Business Accounting Software

This year start afresh with an accounting program that you can understand, that saves you time and therefore that saves you money and gets rid of all that frustration! Take control and get those figures onto a decent accounting software program where you can really see what is happening in your business. Make a concerted effort to turn the corner and start to really make use of the amazing time-saving technology that is out there.
Where to begin? Good question! You will need to do a little research before you take the plunge and invest in an accounting program. Remember that there will likely be a slight learning curve at the beginning with any software you choose. So no worries if you find it a little confusing at the beginning. In fact this is a great time to check out the support available - and if you get help whilst you're trialling an accounting program then that might be a great indicator about the sort of help you can expect once you are a customer.
In a good accounting program you simply start by entering data. Simple transactions From one account and To another are entered one by one. This way you can see exactly the flow of money into, through and out of your business. As you enter data you would do well to choose an accounting program that immediately updates those transactions to your chart of accounts so you can see a live Trial Balance at any time and assess exactly the state of your business now. Your finger is on the pulse of your business. This is probably the key point that you will benefit from by going the software route.
A great accounting program will be relatively straightforward to use and will start at a good price too so you can afford to take that step and get going on your new, organised way of arranging your affairs. Some companies offer a one-off payment so that you can use the software for life at no further cost!
However you should also check that if your business does start to really grow (as you hope it will) you should make sure you choose an accounting program.

Tips for Collecting Fees At Time Of Service

How do you and your staff do when it comes to getting paid directly from your clients and patients? If you are like many offices, you and your staff are likely a bit shy about asking for money. However, it's essential that you collect money that is owed to you. Indeed, you likely have an obligation to do so according to your insurance contracts.
If your accounts receivable is up and you are having trouble collecting after the fact, consider making an effort to increase collection of fees at the time of service. Here are some tips to help you do just that.
  1. Have a sign at the front desk noting that co-pays are due at the time of service. This one thing made a huge difference in my office when we first opened.
  2. Many people today do not carry a check book or cash, but they have plenty of plastic. Make sure you can accept credit and debit cards. If you need a merchant account, search for a clinician friendly merchant account vendor on the internet. Another option if your volume is low is to get a Pay Pal Business Account.
  3. Does your staff ASK for the copay or other outstanding balances? Do they know how to ask? If not some training is in order.
  4. For those patients that want to pay in cash, it helps to have enough change on hand to handle a $50 or $100 bill.
  5. Make sure your patient financial responsibilities policy clearly states that co-pays are due at the time of service (as well as bringing account up to date). Patients should sign it when they first come to your office. It's a good idea they keep a copy for their records.
  6. Consider having a program or plan available for patients who cannot pay in full at the time of their visit. Be sure to have them read and acknowledge the terms of the plan you have for payments.
  7. Many people are used to paying bills online these days. Is this option available in your practice? If not, consider finding out what steps you need to take to begin to offer this convenient service. Once an account goes into collections, it is often extremely difficult to collect the debt that you are owed. It is far easier to ask for your fees and co-pays at the time of service than to have to send your client accounts into collections.

An Interest In Math Could Lead To An Accounting Degree

Math whiz-kids: are you looking for a career that every business needs, doesn't come with a lot of stress and has job placement almost instantly upon graduation? Look no further than a degree in accounting. Career training can range from certificates to Master's degrees in accounting. Most accountants hold at least a Bachelor's degree.
To make the grade, you'll have to be analytical, interpret facts and figures quickly plus sport the ability to clearly and concisely communicate the results to management or clients. High standards of integrity are an important trait in this profession. Since the recent financial catastrophes and Ponzi schemes have hit the news, you'll more likely be closely monitored, at least initially.
Accounting is a system of economic information that's identified, recorded, summarized and reported. Then the managers and decision-makers decide on a course of action based upon the findings. Computers handle most of the mundane tasks of accounting, so professionals are freed up to spend more time analyzing data. Two of the newest study areas to combine accounting degrees are ethics and computer science.
Staying current with industry standards and technological applications is imperative in maintaining a successful, progressive accounting career. Even accountants with degrees seek continuing education or work towards more specialized degrees. Online classes allow more students to join the growing industry or take refresher courses or earn advanced degrees.
Although this is one career where advancement is steady, the competition is also fierce and it looks like it will remain competitive for many years to come. Certification requirements will probably become more rigorous, specialization will become more evident and accountants with the highest degrees will be much sought after. Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification not only demonstrates your professional commitment and expertise, but it is also a crucial designation to perform certain functions. For instance, only a CPA has the ability to sign an audit option, which is the official declaration representing a company's financial position.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, accounting is divided into four categories: public accountants, management accountants, government accountants and auditors/internal auditors. Each category has its own niche that it covers. Public accountants focus primarily on auditing and tax-related functions. Management accountants often start as trainees in a corporation and work as cost accountants or internal auditors. Government accountants oversee the performance and allocation of government funding. Internal auditors conduct compliance audits and accounting information systems.
There are also private and public accountants. Public accounting offers higher salaries, more variety and better opportunities for advancement based on merit. Your actual working hours as a public accountant will be applied to your CPA requirements. Private accounting is considered more stable with a fixed location, set hours and steady workload. Private accountants also usually get a Bachelor's degree, but aren't required to have a CPA.

Benefits Of Getting Accounting Training

When you look at all the different courses that are available to learn about, you will quickly notice that they are going to be numerous. That is when you should know about the benefits of taking some accounting training. Once you know about those benefits you will quickly see that this could be the best type of classes for you to take and possibly start your career in.
Prior to looking at these classes as a career, you should consider what kind of jobs are available in your area. By looking at the available jobs you can see how likely it will be for you to get work, but also what kind of pay you can expect to be getting on a regular basis.
One benefit that you can find in these classes is they are typically going to provide you with an education that you can make a job out of. When you look at some of the classes that are available you will notice that they may not lead to a career unless you have more advanced schooling.
Another benefit that you can find is that you will be able to do taxes for yourself and other people in most cases. Now you may not think about doing this line of work as a career, but when the tax season comes around people always need to have a professional to help them do the work properly. So you could easily find that you could work in this career field during this period and still make a decent living doing the work.
Something else that you can find is that this is going to be a great way for you to get a new promotion at work. You could consider that your job is going to be a dead end job, but if you get this additional schooling you should notice that more venues are going to open up for you. Then you can see that the job is not a dead end job, but just a start of a great career.
Starting a new job is always a great adventure. Before you figure out which career field you want to enter into you should research the advantages and benefits of entering accounting training. Once you see these benefits you could see that this is going to be a great career field to enter into and be able to enjoy working for years to come in.

Accountancy Is Not a Kids Play

Accountants are the gates to all the financial information of the company. But with the introduction of many other branches like management accounting, cost accounting, and financial management the workload has grown enormously and so are the responsibilities. So what type of qualities will companies watch for to select their accountants?
Control is all what they are looking for. Accountants can takeover responsibilities to assist the leaders and managers to achieve their target goals more efficiently. In some cases they evaluate individual performances with measuring the degree of unsatisfactory performances with corrective measures. Thus they are responsible to communicate all the target goals from management to the other hierarchy.
The general capability of an accountant is measured in his ability to get the funds at minimum possible costs so that they can give highest returns. They should possess the ability to determine the type, source and amount of funds invested by their organization and be ready to calculate all the ROI including all the re-payments.
Planning is what accountants need to be continuously working on. From basics to climbing success pole any company depends on the base created by the accountants so the experience and right methods prevent them from all the confusions. If necessary they need to have the potential to gather any required information from outside sources compiling with in house accounting information. That's what makes the company survive and grow stronger by time.
Any accountant looking for a career in the same need to find in himself if he is ready to deliver the above requirements or not then only he should enter. The responsibilities are huge so are the outcomes of the faults. Any small mistake can make you enter into fraud and that's what can put you on a road with no maps. A good accountant is a combination of integrity and objectivity. One should not let a space to feelings affect the work. The client is one who solely relies on your expertise and work.
Education is quite important for all those mathematical calculations but knowledge is what you gain from all the experiences and accountancy is not just a kid's play but a task of lot of hard work of night and day.

What Annual Accounts Do Companies Need To File in Spain?

If you have a company in Spain, essentially the accounts you are required to file with the Commercial Register (equivalent to Company House in the UK) depend on which category your company comes under. There are 3 different versions for annual account purposes: The version for small to medium-sized companies, the abbreviated version and the normal version. This article will just deal with the requirements for the first version.
The annual accounts that you need to file for a small to medium-sized company include the following: a balance sheet, an income statement or profit and loss account (as it is known in the United Kingdom), a report on changes in the shareholders' equity and notes. The later provides details on such things as the registration details and main activities of the company, accounting principles applied, depreciation methodology used and details of depreciation carried out during the year on different assets tangible and intangible, distribution of results, specific details regarding payments to directors and employees, information on environmental issues,and any other relevant issues that could be considered of important to the shareholders. You will also have to include a certificate signed by the directors approving the accounts and the distribution of profits if any. These reports must be drawn up with clarity, and must present a true and fair view of the net worth, financial position and results of operations of the company.
The balance sheet and income statement should be in the same format from one accounting period to the next, although, in exceptional cases, the format may be changed, but the fact must be indicated in the notes together with the reasons why. Captions in the standard form of accounts may be subdivided, or grouped and the analysis presented in the notes, provided that the overall format is followed and the main headings are disclosed. Comparative figures from the proceeding year must be presented. Prior year figures must be restated to conform with the current year presentation. However, there is no requirement to present comparative figures in the notes. The cash flow statement, or change in position statement, is not required in Spain. Few firms include the cash flow statement in the annual report although, many companies have one that is used by internal management.

Control Is the Name of the Game Using Business Accounting Software

This year start afresh with an accounting program that you can understand, that saves you time and therefore that saves you money and gets rid of all that frustration! Take control and get those figures onto a decent accounting software program where you can really see what is happening in your business. Make a concerted effort to turn the corner and start to really make use of the amazing time-saving technology that is out there.
Where to begin? Good question! You will need to do a little research before you take the plunge and invest in an accounting program. Remember that there will likely be a slight learning curve at the beginning with any software you choose. So no worries if you find it a little confusing at the beginning. In fact this is a great time to check out the support available - and if you get help whilst you're trialling an accounting program then that might be a great indicator about the sort of help you can expect once you are a customer.
In a good accounting program you simply start by entering data. Simple transactions From one account and To another are entered one by one. This way you can see exactly the flow of money into, through and out of your business. As you enter data you would do well to choose an accounting program that immediately updates those transactions to your chart of accounts so you can see a live Trial Balance at any time and assess exactly the state of your business now. Your finger is on the pulse of your business. This is probably the key point that you will benefit from by going the software route.
A great accounting program will be relatively straightforward to use and will start at a good price too so you can afford to take that step and get going on your new, organised way of arranging your affairs. Some companies offer a one-off payment so that you can use the software for life at no further cost!

Tips for Collecting Fees At Time Of Service

How do you and your staff do when it comes to getting paid directly from your clients and patients? If you are like many offices, you and your staff are likely a bit shy about asking for money. However, it's essential that you collect money that is owed to you. Indeed, you likely have an obligation to do so according to your insurance contracts.
If your accounts receivable is up and you are having trouble collecting after the fact, consider making an effort to increase collection of fees at the time of service. Here are some tips to help you do just that.
  1. Have a sign at the front desk noting that co-pays are due at the time of service. This one thing made a huge difference in my office when we first opened.
  2. Many people today do not carry a check book or cash, but they have plenty of plastic. Make sure you can accept credit and debit cards. If you need a merchant account, search for a clinician friendly merchant account vendor on the internet. Another option if your volume is low is to get a Pay Pal Business Account.
  3. Does your staff ASK for the copay or other outstanding balances? Do they know how to ask? If not some training is in order.
  4. For those patients that want to pay in cash, it helps to have enough change on hand to handle a $50 or $100 bill.
  5. Make sure your patient financial responsibilities policy clearly states that co-pays are due at the time of service (as well as bringing account up to date). Patients should sign it when they first come to your office. It's a good idea they keep a copy for their records.
  6. Consider having a program or plan available for patients who cannot pay in full at the time of their visit. Be sure to have them read and acknowledge the terms of the plan you have for payments.
  7. Many people are used to paying bills online these days. Is this option available in your practice? If not, consider finding out what steps you need to take to begin to offer this convenient service. Once an account goes into collections, it is often extremely difficult to collect the debt that you are owed. It is far easier to ask for your fees and co-pays at the time of service than to have to send your client accounts into collections.

Benefits of Accounting and Financial Management

If you are in business, you know that it is important to understand how your business is performing. In order to do that, you need some way to keep track of and interpret the numbers that go along with your business. This is where accounting and financial management come into play. Accounting tools can be used to measure and interpret the financial progress of your business. They can also help you communicate the status of your business to important third parties, such as banks and the government. Here are some of the benefits of accounting and financial management.
No more guessing. By maintaining an accounting system, you can improve your odds of making the right decision for your business. While the information alone is not the only factor to consider, it does provide one very important piece of the puzzle in your decision making process. Good accounting records show you where you stand financially, so you won't have to guess at what your financial position is.
Make better decisions. Accounting plays an important role by giving us a means of communicating the financial part of a business to others. The most crucial function of any accounting system is to provide real data, by which managers and owners can base their decisions. Having numerical facts greatly helps in making profitable decisions for your business. And while the accounting information gathered does not guarantee a good decision, it does greatly improve your chances of making the best decision possible.
Solve problems. Accounting systems provide reports that help you analyze the profitability and performance of your business. Not only can an accounting system help you make decisions, but it can also help you find areas of your business that need to be improved. Once you are able to identify trouble areas, you can focus on improving them.
Track complex information. If your business requires any loans, the lending institution will likely require financial reports to understand the net income and net worth of your business. They may also want to evaluate your financial statements periodically to monitor your ability to repay the loan.Providing this kind of information is next to impossible without an accounting system that can provide financial statements.
Good accounting records show where your business stands financially. Use every advantage available to your business to improve and enhance its performance. Implement and maintain your accounting and financial management system, and your business will be on its way to financial success!

Short Sale/Foreclosure Tax Info By a CPA (Accountant)

The Mortgage Debt Relief Act of 2007 allows taxpayers to exclude income from the discharge of debt on their principal residence through 2012. This includes debt reduced through mortgage restructuring and foreclosure, but only applies to debt used to buy, build or substantially improve your principal residence. Refinanced debt is only forgiven up to the amount that would have qualified before refinancing and the loss sustained on the short sale or foreclosure of your principal residence is not deductible.
Discharge of debt on rental property is not excluded from income. If a financial entity cancels or forgives debt of $600 or more, you will receive a Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt. Unless you meet one of the exceptions, this canceled debt is ordinary income and must be reported on your tax return. Exceptions include bankruptcy or insolvency. Insolvency occurs when the total of all your liabilities is more than the fair market value of all of your assets immediately before the cancellation of debt. If the cancellation of debt exceeds the amount by which you were insolvent, the difference must be reported as income.
If discharge of debt is excluded under the bankruptcy or insolvency exceptions, you must reduce your basis in the rental property by the amount of excluded cancellation of debt income. The lender's foreclosure or repossession of the rental property is treated as a sale or disposition and may result in realization of a gain or loss for income tax purposes. The gain or loss on the disposition of the property is measured by the difference between the fair market value of the property at the time of the disposition and your adjusted basis in the property. Your adjusted basis in the property is your cost plus improvements, less depreciation and less the amount of excluded cancellation of debt income.
Real estate and taxes go hand and hand. If your personal real estate is in a foreclosure please consult an accountant or tax professional. Taking a short sale offer on an investment property could have substantial tax consequences. Many clients are choosing to walk away from the property vs accept the short sale for tax reasons. Your home is another issue and the two should not be treated the same. Accounting rules are moving more in the direction of helping homeowners get out of this financial crisis by giving tax leeway to homeowners in poor financial conditions.

Turn Your Trading Losses Into Gains

It may sound counter-intuitive, but a trading loss actually offers certain opportunities. You can offset it against Corporation Tax in the past, present or future. On the other hand you may want to consider re-setting your financial year, or even creating a loss through pension contributions.
An actual trading loss is far from perfect, but in the current climate especially, it's becoming more common for businesses to experience erratic levels of profitability. Handled correctly, you can turn the loss into a tax saving - now or in the future.
The trading loss can be offset against the current year, carried back one year to the previous accounting year (and offset against tax due for that year), or carried forward for an indefinite period.
It's also possible to alter the parameters of your financial year to evade a boom and bust scenario where you're greatly taxed for the successful period and then suffer a weaker period without any compensation.
Pension relief
Pension contributions are usually allowable deductions for corporation tax purposes and because the deductions form part of the company's expenses, any trading loss can get relief under the trading loss rules for a company.
It's possible to create or increase a trading loss by making an employer pension contribution.
Understandably, you may think that making a pension contribution during a trading period when profits are low (or a loss is made) is a futile exercise. However trading losses may be offset against the proceeding year or carried forward to set against future profits, so the net result could be a tax saving.
As long as your company either paid Corporation Tax in the previous period, or will be paying it in subsequent periods, tax relief will be given for pension contributions providing they are exclusively for the purposes of the trade.
It's also worth noting that pension contributions need to be paid before the end of the accounting period.
· ABC Ltd anticipates profits in the trading year ending 31 December 2010 of £10,000.
· They had a £400,000 profit in the accounting period ending on 31 December 2009.
· Annual pension contributions for the directors and other employees are £100,000
Should the payment be made now or delayed?
Possible solution
If the payment is made in the accounting period up to 31 December 2010, the company will have a trading loss of £90,000.
This loss can be set back against the previous year's profits, gaining a Corporation Tax repayment (or saving, if the tax hasn't been paid over to HMRC yet) of £26,775 (29.75% of £90,000), with no tax due for the year ending 31 December 2010.
The total tax saving is £28,875. This means tax will be saved at an overall effective rate of 28.87%.
In this example the pension contribution does not need to be delayed, even though the consequence of the contribution being made is that the company has no profit in the period. To delay the payment until the next accounting period would mean a delay for any Corporation Tax relief for the payment, potentially until 1 October 2012.

How to Get Money for Nothing

Free money - it almost sounds too good to be true, but if you're within the large proportion of commercial property owners not claiming their full allowances, then this is exactly what you're passing up. Depending on the sector in which you operate, you should expect to be able to discover between 15% and 45% of the purchase or construction cost of the property in previously unclaimed capital allowances. Not a figure to be sniffed at!
Companies can claim these capital allowances on plant and machinery, buildings - including converting space above commercial premises into flats for renting - and research and development. Even better, these claims against freehold property payments can be made retrospectively, which means you can include assets bought up to 15 years ago. If the purchase took place more than 15 years ago, it is usually not worth pursuing owing to problems with obtaining the necessary documentation, but there may be subsequent additions to the property that would qualify.
In addition, if you intend to invest in your commercial property - including a new build, extension or refurbishment - then you can work directly with the architect or quantity surveyor in order to maximise the claim and complete the summary report as promptly as possible. If you're planning remedial or re-fitting work, make sure to notify your accountant in plenty of time before the project start date, so that they can make records before and after, to ensure an accurate report is sent to HMRC.
Your accountant should be able to put together a comprehensive capital allowance review which identifies items that qualify for enhanced tax savings. This is suitable for any tax-paying person, company, LLP or partnership which owns commercial freehold property. Often the charge for this service is a percentage of the tax saved, so if no viable capital allowances can be found, then there will be no cost involved.
However, changes to this legislation have meant that time is now running out for certain claims, so it will quite literally pay to act quickly. Industrial Building Allowances are being phased out, and are to be abolished by April 2011, while writing down allowance rates have been reduced following the March 2007 Budget. But there are still enhanced capital allowances available at 100% for first year allowances on energy efficient plant and machinery, and cars emitting 110g/km of carbon dioxide or less, plus an enhanced rate of 40% first year allowances for expenditure in the 2009/10 tax year.
If you're still not persuaded, have a look at this example. One of our clients had constructed a new head office building measuring 1,351 sq m, consisting of both warehousing and office space, at a cost of £1.7m. We identified £484,523 worth of unclaimed capital allowances which represented potential tax savings of £135,666. Even taking into account our fee (which would not have even been charged if no savings could be made), this represents a significant saving.

Zero Based Budgeting for Small Business

"Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach" - Tom Robbins
I have been asked this question numerous times by small business owners "How do I make my business more profitable?" The question became even more relevant in the last couple years when economic downturn and amnesic growth reduced gross income while inflation is quickly increasing cost of goods and expenses associated with business operations.
Lets look at the Real Estate agent (my client) whose business turned sour at the end of 2008, the time of major stock market crash, who discovered himself in the position when his expenses suddenly could not be covered by the income generated from business. Just cutting expenses was not an option, because in his case most of the expenses were geared towards marketing activities and were supposed to generate new business. Wait it out could have been another solution but forecasting the length of the downturn always proves forecaster wrong.
This agent has approached me for the tax planning services just before the year end, and I offer him to review not only his financials but also his operating activity to help him with his budget. My goal was to capitalize on the small business flexibility, which usually is absent in the large corporation due to complicated command structures and poor communications. Flexibility in small business means an ability to make quick decisions and rapidly implement them. The timing of this decisions is crucial because slight delays may cause sever financial damage. We have reviewed agent's expenses and analysed them. For budgeting we took an approach which is called zero based budgeting
A method of budgeting in which all expenses must be justified for each new period. Zero-based budgeting starts from a "zero base" approach and every function within an organization is analyzed for its needs and costs. Budgets are then built around what is needed for the upcoming period, regardless of whether the budget is higher or lower than the previous one.
The process allowed us to cut unnecessary expenses which became custom of habit such because they were implemented so long ago. We also did not budget for items which would be excessive in the recession. However we have decided to redeploy freed up funds into new technologies which would allow the agent to reduce some expenses but at the same time increase marketing exposure to new areas.
This approach allowed the agent to position himself in the safe heaven during early 2009. The market has made 180 degree turn in 2010, and the agent was ready for it and he made necessary adjustments based on 2008 experience and took full advantage of it. 2010 ended up being a record year for this agent.
However as simplistic as it sounds the solution can be defined by two words only - "flexibility" and "discipline".

An Audio Book CD Is Filled With Entertainment

A neat method to unwind and let time pass, is by listening to an audio book on CD. However, this can be a little costly. If you believe you could delight in listening to an audio book, one's well process to try them out prior to purchasing one, is to rent one. By renting one, you can conserve money, and still be able to enjoy listening to one of your preferred books. You are able to find them at numerous video rental stores and also at your local public library.
Great Places To Enjoy An Audio Book CD
Let's say, you are vacationing at the beach this summer, you definitely will want to remember to pack a CD player in your suitcase. Before you head out, browse through your collection and choose your favorites. And as you are spending time enjoying the sunny beach, you'll be able to relax and hear a great narration during your holiday.
While flying to your vacation destination has wonderful benefits, you may find yourself bored. So to help pass the time, you may want to take along an audio book CD with you. This will help keep you entertained and relieve boredom throughout the flight. Then before you know it, you will arrive at your vacation destination.
A long drive to and from work every day, is another fantastic listening opportunity. Just slide in the audio book CD, and instead of getting cross at the other drivers and frustrated by the long lanes of traffic, you can fill your thoughts with the book you've chosen to listen to. Long drives will use up a lot of time, so be sure you have multiple CDs to listen to. Before your trip, you may want to go to your local library and get a few new stories to listen to and enjoy.
Sports minded people, such as runners, will also enjoy listening to audio books on CD. They can be listened to during jogging on trails or running on a treadmill at the gym, and are a wonderful way to distract your body from the pain of exercising. Who knows? You may even go a little further because you didn't want to stop at a good part in the book.
Maybe if you have the right kind of job, you can even possibly listen to your audio book on CD at work. It will really make you enjoy work much more and become a nice way to relax. But before you do this, you better ask your employer so you can be sure it is OK.

An Audio Book Library Provides A World Of Pleasure

A world of pleasure awaits you with the use of audio books. So many people thoroughly enjoy reading, but few actually can read as much as they would like. Reading is a fascinating pastime and has rewards of its own, however, there is also much benefit that can be gained from listening to books as well.
A lot of the joy that comes from listening to it, seems to take us back to the time when we were children. We can actually recapture the joy of closing our eyes and listening while someone reads a story that transports us to another time and place.
It becomes a lot of fun to collect different audio books, and it doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg for your collection. They can be purchased both new and used, rented, checked out at the library or downloaded. There are also ones that are free of charge.
When a person is a book worm and wants to have a library, most of the time, they purchase books new, as there may be others in their family that reads them as well. Sometimes, people will also purchase books on sale or in used condition. This creates a nice rounded library that they may be proud of. For more zealous readers, it may be more convenient to go to the local library and check out books. The same can also be said of audio books. There are numerous audio libraries scouring the country, where you too, may have the pleasure of checking out a variety of these stories on CD.
Where To Find A Free Audio Book
To begin your search for a free audio book, you may wish to start by looking at your local library. There are also a number of sites on the internet, where you are able to download them for free. All you need to do is type "free audio book" into Google. There will be so many results, including books for sale or rent, and those for free, you'll be simply amazed.
A very helpful organization that provides free public domain audio books is called LibriVox. This company has volunteers who record free ones and publish the files onto the internet. From there they are offered as free downloads. This company has a goal to record all books in the public domain.
There are a variety of free audio books and included in this list, are books for entertainment, books to learn languages, university and educational courses, inspirational books and promotional material as well.
Remember you can turn a monotonous task or an otherwise boring time, into a period of pleasure in your life by listening to one. Start by introducing a free audio book into your world, and you'll soon realize, they need to become a permanent part of your life.

How To Join An Audio Book Club To Enjoy Your Favorite Titles

If you have a passion for audio books, and sometimes have difficulty in finding where they are available, you may want to join an audio book club. Every month, you will receive a new title from the book club or you may even request to receive them more often. You can set your preferences according to what meets your need. Joining an one will help you to conserve your hard earned money, much more so than if you were to buy them from a bookstore or even online. From the many sources online, you'll want to research them until you find the one that is just right for you. Once you join, you will be able to start enjoying new titles that will arrive in your mailbox, as many times as you would like.
If you are familiar with the DVD or CD clubs that offer hundreds of titles for mere pennies, its through the means of charging a monthly fee that they are able to provide this service. They keep sending you the titles that you want, until time comes, that you no longer wish to receive them. Most people have found that this is a wonderful way to get your music, or favorite movies. Well, this same principle is the way the audio book club works. You will choose titles that you want to receive and you will then find them in your mailbox. There are some clubs that charge by the title, while other clubs will charge monthly. So, it really doesn't matter which way you prefer, you can be assured that you will always get the titles delivered to you and will always have something interesting to listen to.
Listen All The Time
Signing up to become a member of an audio book club, allows you to receive news on all the new releases, as well as the best rated ones. This way you will always be up to date concerning the best books that are available for your listening pleasure. Think how much nicer your commute to work will seem, if you can pop a CD in your player and escape the long lines of traffic, to a place far away. Many people also enjoy listening to audio books while they are flying to one location from another.
Technology Makes It Easier
The newest thing many audio book clubs are offering to their customers, is the ability to download, right to their computers. How nice is that! Then by loading the file to their MP3 player or iPod, they can listen to their favorite audio books whenever they choose that is most convenient for them.

Putting Your Website on Audio Autopilot

A very powerful selling tool can be audio, because there is a huge number of people who simply hate to read or aren't good at reading, but listening sounds good for them as they multi-task. If you want to capture attention on your site, it will be worth to use audio there, selling such product to people who can't just stand reading long sales pitches.
Basically, audio can capture attention, even if it can be seem as a bad thing when someone will turn up loudly his speakers and it's hard to expect a verbal pitch. To omit complainant customers, marketers install their audio, which can start after switching a "play" button.
Some marketers find audio less powerful if it's optional. However if you're running your site, it will be better for to test both options and see, which one will be more profitable. If you ant to sell the vision impaired, audio will be the best for it and people are willing to use the Internet frequently with vision impairment. If you want to explain what is your product for or about, simply add audio to your sites and people will understand you easier.
Audio is also a good factor to provide tutorials, which you can place on your site and give people chance to download it. As you may find, some people can learn faster and easier when they hear instructions than when they just read them. So for those people you can offer audio tutorials, which can do much more than written ones.
Very useful selling tools are audio testimonials and giving people the possibility to give you their audio testimonials, your feedback will look more credible. It is common that people think that such testimonials are fake testimonials, because they can be written by anyone, so it's hard to trust them.
The authenticity can be proofed when people will hear different voices in each audio file, so offering testimonials in audio format will make they believe that real people provided tutorials. You need to remember however that offering audio for multiple testimonials, your audio shouldn't start automatically.
In spite of the fact such advice might sound obvious, if you forget this and end up with several audio files, which start playing simultaneously, with surety your visitors will leave your site as soon as possible. Offering audio on your site, you need to take care of the quality to give people the best audio you can.
Audio with poor quality won't capture attention, or worse - if the audio will be very bad, people probably will hit the back button and find the other site.
To achieve the best quality of your audio, you should create it in a room with decent acoustics, and the best will be the room without hard floors and which will have a lot of plush, soft furniture, otherwise there may be a hollow, echo-like quality to the sound.
Your room should also be free of other noises such as: baby cry, children scream or dog bark, which will be very distracting. If you have little baby, children or dog, better close the door and don't forget to turn off the TV.

The Days of the Download

There was a time when you would pay $30 for a music CD at the local music retailer. To make sure you were not wasting your money you could stand there in the store wearing headphones and listen to every tune on the album. When satisfied you walked out 30 bucks poorer, a tiny plastic bag with a plastic case and a CD in it.
Then came the days of the Download.
You can hear the whole album on the net and you can buy an MP3 download of lesser quality than the CD for less than half price.
You can have standard movies downloaded to your computer for half price or less. It is very difficult to download a Blu ray DVD you need a very large bandwidth and a plan that permits you to download a large amount of GBs. Good for you Blu Ray DVD! You can download Wii cheats, PS2 cheats, free apps, essentially anything that can be put on a DVD can be downloaded from the internet.
So who is the winner out of all this? For the average download-er it's great news, for a bit of effort on the internet they can have whatever they desire and cheap. In many cases the quality is not the same but it'll do. As for the movie companies, artists, production companies, whilst they are not going bankrupt they are losing out on a lot of money to the download market. Movie-goers will always enjoy going out for the night, eating popcorn and watching the blockbuster on the big screen, that will hardly change. It is the DVD rental business which was a great earner will suffer enormously. Customers now have the choice, get in the car, drive to the DVD Rental, to find the DVD isn't there, take something else they don't enjoy and receive a fine because they returned it late. Or they can sit down in front of the internet for a quick movie download.

Buying Online Audio Books Can Increase Your Reading Material

Let's face it, a long trip on the open road can get boring. Buying Online Audio Books can make your trip much more enjoyable and help the time pass more quickly. Before you head off on your next road trip, spend some time browsing the best-sellers and see if there is something that would interest you for the long trip ahead.
Many individuals enjoy listening to best-sellers on tape because you can get a lot more done. You can listen to a book on tape while you are traveling across country. If you have a list of reading material that you know you will never find the time to read, consider ordering it in audio form.
There are hundreds of thousands of volumes available to order in this format. Finding time to read can be difficult. Listening to them on tape or CD as you travel across country makes it possible to keep up with some of the new titles as they become available.
Books on tape tend to cost a little bit more than those on CD. Some people prefer the cassette method, which usually holds a chapter or two per tape. Others enjoy listening on CD, which holds the book in its entirety.
Whichever method you prefer, convenience seems to be the deciding factor. Many people enjoy listening to a book that is read or acted our dramatically, rather than reading it themselves. Part of the reason could be because it allows them to picture what is happening in the story as they use their imagination to visualize the story unfolding.
It has been proven that audio readers read more books per year. Statistics show that people who listen to reading material on tape or cd may end up getting through triple the amount of books as regular readers do. This fact alone has encouraged more people to begin purchasing this type of reading material online.
People are working more hours and have busier schedules than ever. Sometimes, with those busy schedules comes a long commute. Think about how you can be using that time in traffic listening to the latest suspense thriller or listening to a best-seller.
Many people confess to wishing they had more time to read. By purchasing audio reading material, this dream can become a reality. If you have children, there are also special books that can be purchased for them to listen to, as well.
Audio books can be purchased online in three formats. You can purchase your favorite reading material on cassette tape, CD, or even a downloadable format such as MP3. The cost is usually a lot cheaper than the regular book version, so you can expect to save money. There are even audio book clubs that you can join.

Audio Streaming for WordPress

Audio streaming is an underutilized tool that can enhance the communication between you and your customer. WordPress has a few plug ins that make it very easy to add audio to your website. When we take a closer look you will see how easy it is to add audio to any page of your website.
Audio Pitfalls
The biggest problem most people face with audio is actually making the audio. Fear of the microphone and the inexperience of talking to your computer frightens some people to death. The good news is technology has made it very easy and inexpensive to record your message, and as far as you recording a message, this just requires practice.
Like anything that's new and outside of your comfort zone, recorded audio falls into that category. There is also an issue of quality, again the good news is a $40.00 microphone has good enough quality to make an acceptable recording.
Audio Recording
There is a lot of free software you can use to do basic recording. Even Microsoft itself has a basic recorder built into the operating system. I have tried both and I prefer the free versions that you get online.
These free versions offer an upgrade that you can use to edit your recordings. If you start recording a lot of audio, then the editing software will be well worth the money. If your recordings are 5 minutes or longer, and you mess up toward the end, the editing software will come in handy.
WordPress Plug In
There are some basic plug ins that are free and work just fine for audio streaming. As you might know if your recording is over eight MB, then you need to find outside hosting for your audio files.
I have found that Amazon's storage is extremely reasonably priced and reliable for your audio storage and needs. Amazon uses the words bucket in place of what we commonly know as files. When you get use to some of the different terminology they use everything else is quite simple to hook up.

Blog Development

Blog development is one of the easiest and best ways to make money online with a blog. It only takes few seconds to make a blog and even lesser time to run it. All you have to do is to follow these three easy steps in order to create your blog.
Tip 1
First you need to know what sort of content and ads you want to display. Do you want to customize it and are you technically savvy or do you have someone else to run it for you? Firstly, you need to have blogging software. These are also known as web hosts, and they give you space to put up your blogs and ads online. There are various blogging software out there like WordPress, blogger and type pad.
Tip 2
The second step in blog development involves setting up your free account with these softwares. You need to select a domain name. Once this process is completed, your account is active to use. Remember to choose the setting as public so that your blogs can be seen on Google and other sites. It's really important for you to do this, because you want your blog to be found in Google and other search engines. This is called SEO - Search Engine Optimization. You're writing for humans as well as the "spiders" Google are sending out to index your page. The "spiders" look through your content and pick out relevant keywords throughout your article. The more the "spiders" like your website, the higher ranking you'll get in Google.
Tip 3
Lastly, select a theme for your blog. Reenter your account and try to come up with a new and interesting theme to attract viewers. Write unique and informative posts. A dashboard tool in WordPress allows you to monitor your comments and WordPress also has widgets, which help in customizing your blogs by allowing you to add search tool, text boxes and various other details.
Once this is done you are ready to make money from blogs. Blogs development is very easy and there are lots of sites and books, which can easily guide you along the way. Just enter your post and publish it. WordPress has everything on it to secure that your blog is running properly so that you do not face any difficulties whilst using it. It is truly one of the best and easiest ways to earn cash.

3 Tips About Making Money With A Blog

Making money with a blog is fairly easy if you stay put and work hard. You can earn ample money by knowing just the basics of blogging. Your earnings will increase as you gain more experience. Following three tips will help you kick start online money making.
Tip-1: First of all, you should write some great blog posts. Choose some of your most favorite topics and increase your existing knowledge by surfing the web or reading relevant material. Your blog post must be useful; it must be free of spelling and grammatical errors. An blog post having these qualities is more inviting to the readers. So try to write as good as you can. You also need to be passionate about what you are doing and the things you are writing about. Let your personality shine through your work and you will soon enough notice that your readers will start to LOVE you for it!
Tip-2: When Making money with a blog you're going to need traffic. You have to divert traffic to your blog. In simple words, people must visit your blog. To do that you should advertise your blog. Tell the people you are there and that you are good. How? You should post those great blog posts of yours on various blogs and websites. This is also known as guest posting. Many blogs offer guest posts so you can easily find one for yourself. People will read and admire your blog posts. Consequently you will start getting more and more traffic.
Tip-3: Once you have an audience, your next aim should be to amuse them. Again write some good blog posts, tips etc. Make your blog useful and entertaining and grab the attention to the curiosity in your readers. Now, it's time to make some money. You have to post relevant ads adjacent to every blog post you write. This can easily be done using great tools like Chitika, AdClickMedia, Adbrite, BuzzLogic and many others. Google's AdSense and other similar software automatically place the most relevant ads next to your blog posts. The money starts pouring in with each click on the ads, and this is when it starts to get REALLY fun!

3 Things You Should Think About When Blogging Online

Blogging online is really easy. Some people enjoy doing it for the fun, while others do it to make a living. That said, it's the 3 same things that shows up when you see a successful blog - doesn't matter in which niche. I've seen this in one of the most popular fashion blogs online, and at one of the most important Internet Marketing blogs online. It doesn't really matter. If a blog is successful, it's because the people behind it know these three things:
Tip1: Know your audience. This is important because you got to know what your audience are after. Do your research, ask your readers what they want to see on your blog etc, and start to involve them in the content you're having on your blog. Readers loves to contribute, so take advantage of that fact and perhaps ask anyone of your top readers if they would like to create some content you can use on your blog. I've seen this work many times, and with amazing results. Most people like to read about what other readers think, because they can relate. That again leads to more passionate readers and followers to your blog.
Tip2: Always, always provide your readers with top content when blogging online. If you're writing a blog post, and don't really feel like you get it right, then don't post it. A poor blog post can do much harm. A lot of bloggers don't realize this and they only write to write instead of write to give something to your audience. Always make sure you give them top content that you're proud of. Most content on your blog should of course be free, and that way your readers and followers will get tons of high value, free content which again make you the "go-to-person" in your niche, because you're constantly over-delivering. That's a keyword - OVER-DELIVER!
Tip3: Let your personality shine through your work. Be personal and share stories about your life. Let your readers get to know you and connect with your audience. If they feel like they know you and that you are their online friend, then they will keep visiting your blog to check out how you're doing. This is so important and a lot of blogger don't really get this. They will write just what they think their readers wants, and adapt the content to their readers rather than writing from the heart and let their personalities shine through their work. People will LOVE you for this, and it makes you unique.
If you follow these 3 simple tips, you will definitely get a more successful blog when blogging online. However, these tips alone won't do the job for you...

Starting A Blog Site - 3 Tips To Start Making Money With Your Blog

Starting a blog site is the best thing that I've ever done. So far it has truly changed my life and I've never looked back ever since I started. In all honesty, it's not that difficult to create a successful blog site. Here are some tips to get you going:
Tip1: Find the right blog platform to use. I started out with free services like blogger etc. It's a good service when first starting out, because I know that a lot of newbies out there don't have that much money to spend on starting up a new blog site. So if that's you, I highly recommend you start out with a free service like blogger. However, after you get more advanced, you want to create your own domain name and start to have more freedom about what you can do with your blog. In free services like blogger, you don't get that many option. So, after a while, I would by my own domain name through a hosting company, and set up my blog by using WordPress. WordPress is by far the best blogging service out there and you can make a really professional blog with them. So, start out using free services if you want and see if this really is something for you. Then if it is, upgrade to your own domain and a WordPress blog. There's no doubt in my mind that this is the best thing you can do.
Tip2: Connect with your readers! There's a lot of ways on how you can do this. In all honesty, though, it's easy. Just be yourself. Be passionate about the topics you're writing about and let your personality shine through your work. Don't be afraid to get personal with your readers. They will love you for it and continue to read more about the stuff you're writing about.
Tip3: Go to a site called ClickBank and start to look through various products you can promote. This is one method you can use to make money on your blog. One VERY important rule here though, is to never, ever promote a product you don't believe in and that you don't think is of top quality. You're dealing with real people even though you're online and in front of a computer. Keep that in mind. Be honest and always promote good, top quality products.
These 3 tips will definitely get you going when you're starting a blog site, but these tips alone won't do all the work for you. You also need to educate yourself about SEO, how to build relationships with your readers, how to build a list through your blog and so on.

5 Tips On How To Make Money With Your Blog

If you want to make money with your blog, you need to understand a few things. Blogging has been around for a long time now, and people are doing it in many different ways. There's no correct answer to how you should blog, but I've been in this business for some time now, and I've picked up a few things that all successful blogs share or have in common:
Tip 1: Connect with your readers. Try to get your readers to be as passionate as you are about your blog. Connect with your readers by starting competitions, asking them questions, tell them some personal stories etc. Treat them as your best friends, because if you're serious about your online blog, you need to understand that you depend on your readers. You need them more than they need you. Start to build lifetime relationships with them.
Tip 2: Write about something that interests you. That way the real YOU will shine through your work and you'll get way more passionate than you would be if you were writing about something you couldn't care less about. Let your personality shine through your work and you will very soon see that your readers will love you because they will see how passionate you are.
Tip 3: Create or have someone create a product for you, that you believe in. Always provide top quality content and top quality products if you want to make money with your blog. Don't ever serve your readers some bs about how good a product is when it's really not. If you do that they will feel like you let them down and they won't come back to your blog. Promote good, top quality products to your readers whenever you're promoting a product. If you can't find one, then don't promote anything. Create something yourself instead that you think your readers will like. If you've followed the 2 tips above, you should know your readers well enough to know what they're interested in and that way it should be easy for you to create a product about that.
Tip 4: Make sure to build a list of subscribers through your blog. You can do this with a service called AWeber. Insert a opt-in form somewhere on your blog where you're giving away a top quality product for free in exchange for their email address. When you got their email address, you can start to send them emails about offers, products, articles, blog posts, and in general top quality content.
Tip 5: Keep it simple! Don't over-complicate anything.
These 5 tips on how you can make money with your blog should point you in the right direction.
But these tips alone won't do the work for you. You need to start educate yourself about how to write interesting content, where to look when you want to find some products to promote, how to build lifetime relationships with your readers etc.

Why You Should Blog

I think every company in the world should blog. In this article I'll share my ideas about:
  1. Why I think you should blog
  2. What you should blog about
Why Should You Blog?
These are some reasons why you should blog:
  • To show your visitors you are an expert in your field.
  • To allow your potential clients to know more about you, and therefore trust you more.
  • So more potential clients can find you on Google.
  • To help people. When you blog valuable content, potential clients appreciate it and that will put you one step ahead of your competitors.
  • To learn. Blogging forces you to do a lot of research and learn new things about your industry.
  • To become a better communicator. The more you write, the easier it becomes to express your thoughts. Great communication is a fundamental skill when it comes to marketing and sales.
  • To create valuable connections. Potential clients aren't the only ones who will read your blog. I've built priceless partnerships and friendships with people who found me through my blog.
What Should You Blog About?
OK, so I hope that by now you're sold on the idea of blogging. Now, let's talk about what you should blog about. Actually, let's talk about what you shouldn't blog about: your product and your company. At least, make sure that these things aren't the main topics on your blog. Apple and Google can get away with blogging about their products because, let's face it, they're awesome! But, the rest of us, mortals, need to ask ourselves two questions:
  1. Who is my target audience?
  2. What kind of topics are they interested in?
Let me give you a couple of examples:
  • Maria sells power tools. Her customers are contractors. Contractors want to read about things like "How to Get More Projects", "10 Ways to Advertise Your Services for Free", "How to Build a Deck for less than $1,000″ and "How to Create a Proposal that Is Accepted Every Time".
  • Peter is a business consultant. His clients are business owners who make between $250,000 and $500,000 per year and they want to take their businesses to $1M. Some of the topics he can write about are: "How to Delegate Effectively", "How to Promote Your Services Using Social Media Marketing" and "How to Hire a Great VP of Sales".

How To Optimize Your Blog For Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) for blogs is as important, if not more so, than optimizing a website. Blogs, or web logs, first started out on the internet as a means of personal communication and appeared as online journals (logs). Search engines didn't index them, nor were they meant to.
Then someone in the online business world saw their potential as an advertising platform, and the numbers of blogs increased exponentially. Google and all the other search engines began to wake up to that fact and they changed their algorithms accordingly, to include blogs.
Yummy! The spiders love these bite-sized chunks of information and now index them faster than normal websites. The short, regular posts contain lots of tasty keywords and easily-to-digest content.
Anyone in the world can blog, but for a business there are rules you should follow:
  • Brand your blog from the get-go
  • Make sure it contains relevant content
  • Keep it short - 350 - 500 words or less
  • Blog regularly
  • Use your brand name in every blog
  • Optimize your use of keywords and long-tail keywords
  • Your Title is Very Important
  • Blogs Are a Way to Pre-Sell
Brand Your Blog
Make sure the colors and logo you use are part of your brand family, so your blogs are easily recognizable.
Make Sure Your Post Contains Relevant Content
If your business is laying driveways, don't start talking about different types of cars, UNLESS you lead into something about how your company's driveways resist oil stains. It's easy to get sidetracked, but with a limit of 300 words, stay focused.
Keep It Short
Yep, about half a page is best. People these days have the attention span of fleas and will be off somewhere else in a heartbeat if you start boring them with a long post about nothing.
Blog Regularly
If you can get into the habit of blogging two or three times a week, that's good. Set aside about half an hour to write your blog and you can think about the next subject between writing. Be regular, people will easily forget who you are and move on. Blog too often and it will be seen as a kind of spamming. Get people to look forward to your next blog article. Split a long article into a number of blogs and keep them hanging at the end, looking forward to the next one.
Use your Brand Name in Every Blog
If you blog three times a week to ten thousand people that's 30,000 times your brand has been seen. Your subscribers will recognize it after only a few blogs.
Optimize Your Keywords
A keyword in the header and each larger paragraph, plus some long-tail keywords is sufficient food for a spider. Use a keyword too often and they'll get really sick (of your site).
Your Title is Very Important
Your title is the first thing your subscriber sees - so make it snappy. People love titles that start with "How To" or "Ten Ways to".  Grab their attention immediately, or you will lose them. The first paragraph is the second most important thing so make sure you draw your reader along to the conclusion of your post.
Blogs Are a Way to Pre-Sell
Anyone who starts a blog post with a title like "Buy My Company's Widgets" is going to leave their readership stone cold and clicking away like their lives depend on it. You wouldn't do it in an email, so don't do it on a blog.
Blogs have a personal feel to them, and they are a great place to "warm" people to your products and services. A blatant sales pitch will send people searching for the Unsubscribe button.
Link building is an important part of search engine optimization and blogs are easy to link to each other. The more relevant links you have, the higher you will be ranked. It will take time and a lot of effort to get to the top of the rankings, and there are  other tricks you might find along the way.  Slow and steady, the tortoise wins the race.

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