5 Tips On How To Make Money With Your Blog

If you want to make money with your blog, you need to understand a few things. Blogging has been around for a long time now, and people are doing it in many different ways. There's no correct answer to how you should blog, but I've been in this business for some time now, and I've picked up a few things that all successful blogs share or have in common:
Tip 1: Connect with your readers. Try to get your readers to be as passionate as you are about your blog. Connect with your readers by starting competitions, asking them questions, tell them some personal stories etc. Treat them as your best friends, because if you're serious about your online blog, you need to understand that you depend on your readers. You need them more than they need you. Start to build lifetime relationships with them.
Tip 2: Write about something that interests you. That way the real YOU will shine through your work and you'll get way more passionate than you would be if you were writing about something you couldn't care less about. Let your personality shine through your work and you will very soon see that your readers will love you because they will see how passionate you are.
Tip 3: Create or have someone create a product for you, that you believe in. Always provide top quality content and top quality products if you want to make money with your blog. Don't ever serve your readers some bs about how good a product is when it's really not. If you do that they will feel like you let them down and they won't come back to your blog. Promote good, top quality products to your readers whenever you're promoting a product. If you can't find one, then don't promote anything. Create something yourself instead that you think your readers will like. If you've followed the 2 tips above, you should know your readers well enough to know what they're interested in and that way it should be easy for you to create a product about that.
Tip 4: Make sure to build a list of subscribers through your blog. You can do this with a service called AWeber. Insert a opt-in form somewhere on your blog where you're giving away a top quality product for free in exchange for their email address. When you got their email address, you can start to send them emails about offers, products, articles, blog posts, and in general top quality content.
Tip 5: Keep it simple! Don't over-complicate anything.
These 5 tips on how you can make money with your blog should point you in the right direction.
But these tips alone won't do the work for you. You need to start educate yourself about how to write interesting content, where to look when you want to find some products to promote, how to build lifetime relationships with your readers etc.

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