Audio Streaming for WordPress

Audio streaming is an underutilized tool that can enhance the communication between you and your customer. WordPress has a few plug ins that make it very easy to add audio to your website. When we take a closer look you will see how easy it is to add audio to any page of your website.
Audio Pitfalls
The biggest problem most people face with audio is actually making the audio. Fear of the microphone and the inexperience of talking to your computer frightens some people to death. The good news is technology has made it very easy and inexpensive to record your message, and as far as you recording a message, this just requires practice.
Like anything that's new and outside of your comfort zone, recorded audio falls into that category. There is also an issue of quality, again the good news is a $40.00 microphone has good enough quality to make an acceptable recording.
Audio Recording
There is a lot of free software you can use to do basic recording. Even Microsoft itself has a basic recorder built into the operating system. I have tried both and I prefer the free versions that you get online.
These free versions offer an upgrade that you can use to edit your recordings. If you start recording a lot of audio, then the editing software will be well worth the money. If your recordings are 5 minutes or longer, and you mess up toward the end, the editing software will come in handy.
WordPress Plug In
There are some basic plug ins that are free and work just fine for audio streaming. As you might know if your recording is over eight MB, then you need to find outside hosting for your audio files.
I have found that Amazon's storage is extremely reasonably priced and reliable for your audio storage and needs. Amazon uses the words bucket in place of what we commonly know as files. When you get use to some of the different terminology they use everything else is quite simple to hook up.

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